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A member registered May 18, 2018

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(1 edit)

Nice design!!!! Definetly chaotic and really fun level design. Congratulations!
Some piece of feedback:
- the health bar and the other blue bar to be a little small so the game wouldn't be so polluted
- some way of doing the tutorial through gameplay, so we didn't have to read texts in a game so well designed
But again, congrats!

(1 edit)

Thanks!! If you could be willing to recommend people to comment and give feedback would be awesome!! Gonna rate your game o/

Really enjoyed the game and how the sounds change accordingly with the landing/jump!
Well executed (:
if you could please rate our game and give honest feedback:


One of the most annoying sword sound effects ever, I recommend changing it. As from the rest, very well executed game!
if you could please rate our game and give honest feedback:

(1 edit)

Well executed concept! Music got repetitive really quickly, as I could notice when the loop started and ended.. Got a bit of difficulty trying to figure out how should I send the email, but it was fun nonetheless!
if you could please rate our game and give honest feedback:

I didn't get to play the game till the end, because it takes too long to become chaotic, which made it pretty boring. would suggest to incresase player move speed so that it becomes faster paced! if you could please rate our game and give honest feedback:

Glad you liked it! :)

Unfortunately we weren't able to implement some features that would make the game much clearer... But thanks for playing, and I'm really glad you liked the music, I'm the composer and sound designer! S2

Do you know if it's okay to reupload the game with fixes after the deadline?

Super chill game!

Jogo muito bom! Continue trabalhando nele, melhorando a fluidez da escalada, adicionando alguns efeitos sonoros, deixando a música menos repetitiva e dando suporte pra controle, que deve ficar lindão :)

a música parou de tocar no menu e não tem efeitos sonoros D: